Top 10k strings from Lerm Run Utility (19xx)(Lerm Software).tap
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /
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4 c$=" ": 4 ;"LOADING ";r$: 2 z$=x$+z$(11 2 v$="WAIT - Saving onto m/drive": 2 b$="e")+(-1 2 b$="0")+236 2 b$="")+(-36 2 WAIT - Saving onto m/drivev 2 STOP THE TAPE AND WAIT 2 Printer software only 2 Please wait a few moments" 2 Main ENTRY 2 M/drive save -GOTO 9000 2 LERM "run" utility 2 LERM ""RUN"" Program"; 2 ALTER here if no ZX printer 2 = re-catalogue " 2 = hard copy "+(" 2 = another cat " 2 = Another page" 2 ;"Is it code y/n "+c$: 2 ;"ERASING": 2 ;"Drive "; 2 ;" Name: "; 2 ;" Microdrive indexing" 2 237091083092042075092213167237082229193011225062013237177040001201229062138190032010035062252190032004043034176092225024230042083092043229229001011000205085022209001011000033140121237176167225035237091079092237082034050092201254013200245042075092126254090040006205184025235024245035078035070003197229009205082022035235225193112043113241018167201000099121196021090040000040000011C 2 *t;x;". ";" " 2 *"m";d;r$: 2 )+("LOADING" 2 )+": Are you sure? y/n ": 2 "Which prog number? (0=cancel) "'("(e= start erasing) " 2 "Which drive? (0 to stop) "; 2 "If you want to do a CLEAR"'"(usually one less than where the"'"code is to be loaded) enter"'"the number here, OR PRESS ENTER"'"to keep the same CLEAR"'; 2 "1"));" ";c$: 2 Dont give away our software PLEASE 1 237091083092042075092213167237082229195092213167237082229193011225062013237177040001201229062138190032010035062252190032004043034176092225024230042083092043229229001011000205085022209001011000033140121237176167225035237091079092237082034050092201254013200245042075092126254090040006205184025235024245035078035070003197229009205082022035235225193112043113241018167201000099121196021090040000040000011g 1 237091083092042075092213167237082229193011225062013237177040001201229062138190032010035062252190032004043034176092225024230042083092043229229001011000205085022209001011000033140121237176167225035237091079092237082034050092201254013200245042075092126254090040006205184025235024245035078035070003197229009205082022035235225193112043113241018167201000099121196021090040000040000011g 1 1;;"Loading Code": 1 1;;"L"printcode 1 *"m";1;"printcode